I-ADVISE advises sale of sepago GmbH to Proact IT Group AB
Düsseldorf, August 2022: I-ADVISE has advised the shareholders of sepago GmbH on the sale of the company to the Swedish Proact IT Group AB, a listed specialist in cloud services and data centre solutions.
Sepago is headquartered in Cologne, Germany. With its more than 85 employees sepago provides services in the areas of cloud computing, IT security and organizational consulting for medium-sized and large companies and supports them in digital transformation.
The I-ADVISE team led by Andreas Ewers acted as exclusive M&A advisor to the shareholders of sepago GmbH throughout the sales process.
advise, Andreas Ewers, Deals, Düsseldorf, I-ADVISE, M&A, Proact IT Group AB, sale, sepago GmbH