Frank Sichau

German public accountant (Wirtschaftsprüfer), German tax accountant (Steuerberater), MBA (Diplom-Ökonom)
Consultancy focus
Transaction Services – Consultancy in all transaction stages
Professional background
Since 2007I-ADVISE AG, Düsseldorf
2005 – 2007KPMG, Düsseldorf (Transaction Services)
2003 – 2005KPMG, London/UK (Transaction Services)
1999 – 2002KPMG, Essen (Financial Advisory Services)
1996 – 1999KPMG, Mülheim an der Ruhr (Audit)
Studies: Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Frank has more than 20 years of experience providing transaction and valuation services, advising large corporations realigning the strategic focus and performing audits of financial statements.
Frank advised listed groups from the DAX-30 prime segment and the M-DAX, corporations from the “Mittelstand” as well as German and Anglo-American private equity investors.
Frank assists clients on buy-side transactions throughout all major stages of an acquisition. Such stages are in essence identification of potential targets, contacting current shareholders and target management, initial and indicative valuation of businesses, execution of financial due diligence, drafting and negotiating share or asset purchase agreements including the definition of purchase price adjusting mechanisms and, ultimately, preparation of closing accounts.
Regarding sell-side projects, Frank is responsible for the execution of vendor due diligences triggered by the disposal of entire sub-groups or specific business activities of a group. In addition, he provides vendor assistance services to clients including the preparation of carve-out financials.
Frank also assists both buyers and sellers in arbitration proceedings regarding the determination of purchase price adjustments and prepares respective opinions. Frank is also an expert in business valuations and purchase price allocations.
During his secondment to UK Frank supervised and coordinated the M&A activities of KPMG’s international client network in the energy industry.
In the past Frank also performed merger audits and audits of annual financial statements.
From 1997 until 1999 Frank was lecturer at the Controlling chair of Ruhr-Universität Bochum. He studied economic sciences at Ruhr-Universität Bochum.