Perpetual base rate for valuation dates in June 2022 is 0.83 % (not rounded, 3-month averaging, 1 % growth rate). – Non-binding indication as of today –
The base rate has been calculated based on yield curve data (Svensson method) as provided by Deutsche Bundesbank.
Upon your request we can calculate case-specific base rates for you, considering company-specific cash flows, growth rates and varying the period of averaging.
Perpetual base rate for valuation dates in May 2022 is 0.58 % (not rounded, 3-month averaging, 1 % growth rate). – Non-binding indication as of today –
The base rate has been calculated based on yield curve data (Svensson method) as provided by Deutsche Bundesbank.
Upon your request we can calculate case-specific base rates for you, considering company-specific cash flows, growth rates and varying the period of averaging.
Perpetual base rate for valuation dates in April 2022 is 0.37 % (not rounded, 3-month averaging, 1 % growth rate). – Non-binding indication as of today –
The base rate has been calculated based on yield curve data (Svensson method) as provided by Deutsche Bundesbank.
Upon your request we can calculate case-specific base rates for you, considering company-specific cash flows, growth rates and varying the period of averaging.
Düsseldorf, March 2022: The eighth edition of the study on German valuation practice in squeeze-outs, mergers and other legal measures according to German law has been complemented by reports with valuation dates in 2021 and analyses the development of valuation practice since 2010.
The new I-ADVISE study can serve as a reference point for the most important parameters of valuations and offers an overview of solutions to a multitude of valuation questions by valuation professionals, explains Dr. Jochen Beumer, Head of Valuation Services of I-ADVISE AG.
You can download the complete study here. The German version may be downloaded here.
Perpetual base rate for valuation dates in March 2022 is 0.19 % (not rounded, 3-month averaging, 1 % growth rate). – Non-binding indication as of today –
The base rate has been calculated based on yield curve data (Svensson method) as provided by Deutsche Bundesbank.
Upon your request we can calculate case-specific base rates for you, considering company-specific cash flows, growth rates and varying the period of averaging.
Perpetual base rate for valuation dates in February 2022 is 0.07 % (not rounded, 3-month averaging, 1 % growth rate). – Non-binding indication as of today –
The base rate has been calculated based on yield curve data (Svensson method) as provided by Deutsche Bundesbank.
Upon your request we can calculate case-specific base rates for you, considering company-specific cash flows, growth rates and varying the period of averaging.
Perpetual base rate for valuation dates in January 2022 is 0.08 % (not rounded, 3-month averaging, 1 % growth rate). – Non-binding indication as of today –
The base rate has been calculated based on yield curve data (Svensson method) as provided by Deutsche Bundesbank.
Upon your request we can calculate case-specific base rates for you, considering company-specific cash flows, growth rates and varying the period of averaging.
Perpetual base rate for valuation dates in December 2021 is 0.15 % (not rounded, 3-month averaging, 1 % growth rate). – Non-binding indication as of today –
The base rate has been calculated based on yield curve data (Svensson method) as provided by Deutsche Bundesbank.
Upon your request we can calculate case-specific base rates for you, considering company-specific cash flows, growth rates and varying the period of averaging.
Perpetual base rate for valuation dates in November 2021 is 0.14 % (not rounded, 3-month averaging, 1 % growth rate). – Non-binding indication as of today –
The base rate has been calculated based on yield curve data (Svensson method) as provided by Deutsche Bundesbank.
Upon your request we can calculate case-specific base rates for you, considering company-specific cash flows, growth rates and varying the period of averaging.
Düsseldorf, October 2021: In Dominik Lehmann, I-ADVISE has gained an outstanding specialist in the field of company valuation. He has extensive experience in structural measures under stock corporation and conversion law, such as squeeze-outs, tax-related company valuations, fairness opinions and purchase price allocations.
After studying business administration at the universities of Gießen and Bochum, he started his professional career with auditing firms specializing in company valuations. After working at two Big4 companies, he is now strengthening the Frankfurt office of I-ADVISE. Dominik Lehmann is a tax advisor and certified valuation analyst. He regularly publishes articles in business valuation journals.
“We are pleased to have won Mr. Lehmann, a very experienced valuation expert with extensive experience in complex valuation projects, for the Frankfurt office.” Jochen Beumer, Head of Valuation Services at I-ADVISE.