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I-ADVISE berät die WILO SE bei der Übernahme von QuantumFlo, Inc.

Düsseldorf, Oktober 2021: Die WILO USA LLC, eine Tochtergesellschaft der WILO SE, hat im Rahmen eines Asset-Deals das operative Geschäft von QuantumFlo, Inc., einem Spezialisten für Druckerhöhungsanlagen und intelligente Pumpensysteme, übernommen.

QuantumFlo, Inc. mit Sitz in Sanford, Florida/USA, ist Marktführer für intelligente Pumpensysteme in den USA und Erfinder des weltweit ersten drehzahlvariablen Booster-Betriebssystems.

„Mit dieser Akquisition verstärken wir ganz im Sinne unseres ‚region-for-region‘-Ansatzes unsere Präsenz in den USA. Damit begegnen wir dem Decoupling, der politisch motivierten Entkopplung von globalen Wertschöpfungsketten, und können noch gezielter lokale Kundenbedürfnisse mit lokal hergestellten Produkten bedienen. Außerdem erweitern wir mit dem Erwerb von QuantumFlo unsere Kundenbasis zur Beschleunigung der Marktentwicklung in den USA“, erklärt Oliver Hermes, Vorstandsvorsitzender und CEO der Wilo Gruppe.

WILO SE gehört mit einem Umsatz von rund 1,5 Milliarden Euro und ca. 8.000 Mitarbeitern zu einem der weltweit führenden Hersteller von Pumpen und Pumpensystemen für die Heizungs-, Kälte- und Klimatechnik sowie für Wasserversorgung und Abwasserentsorgung.

Das I-ADVISE Team unter der Leitung von Herrn WP/StB Frank Sichau unterstützte die WILO SE als Financial Advisor und bei der Unternehmensbewertung.

I-ADVISE advises Kamera Express on the acquisition of all shares in FOTO-GREGOR GmbH

Düsseldorf, September 2021: I-ADVISE advised Kamera Express, a portfolio company of Vendis Capital, Diegem/Brussels (Belgium), on the acquisition of all shares in FOTO-GREGOR GmbH.

FOTO-GREGOR GmbH and subsidiaries, also acquired in the context of the transaction, operate in total eight photo retail stores in Germany and a web shop. The group employs circa 100 people and is headquartered in Cologne, which is also the site of group’s main store.

Kamera Express, Capelle a/d Ijssel (The Netherlands), is the leading photo and video specialist in the Netherlands and Belgium. Through its own web shops and 21 brick-and-mortar stores, Kamera Express provides consumers with a wide product range and services. Since the investment of Vendis Capital in 2018, the business transitioned from a product orientated omni-channel retailer in the Netherlands to a fully-fledged European consumer platform. The acquisition of FOTO-GREGOR further strengthens the position of Kamera Express in Germany.

The I-ADVISE team led by Kim Niedernolte supported Kamera Express with financial due diligence and tax due diligence.

I-ADVISE advises Odewald KMU II on the acquisition of the digitization expert ctrl QS

Düsseldorf, August 2021: I-ADVISE advised Odewald KMU II on the acquisition of a majority stake in the digitization expert ctrl QS GmbH Rollout Management for Digital Projects. Together with the founder, Mrs. Mirja Silverman, who will continue to lead the company as managing director, the company’s successful growth path is to be continued.

ctrl QS is a specialized service provider advising multinational corporations and brands on process, tool and change management in the context of digital projects and provides operational support. In its core market, ctrl QS already occupies a leading market position and, thanks to its extensive expertise, has many opportunities to expand the product range and continue to grow successfully both nationally and internationally. The company, based in Berlin, was founded in 2009 and today employs over 100 people.

Odewald KMU II fund invests in attractive target markets in German-speaking medium-sized companies. The industry focus is on profitable, fast-growing medium-sized companies in the areas of “German engineering”, intelligent services, health and IT / software.

Heiko Arnold, partner of Odewald KMU, explains: “The investment in ctrl QS expands our portfolio in the highly attractive and rapidly growing market of supporting companies and organizations in digital transformation.”

The I-ADVISE team, led by WP Frank Berg, supported Odewald KMU with financial due diligence and tax due diligence.

I-ADVISE advises the Munich-based investor Ad_Astra on the takeover of Kappus

Düsseldorf, April 2020: I-ADVISE advises the Munich-based investor Ad_Astra on the successful takeover of the traditional soap manufacturer Kappus.

Ad_Astra acquires the operations of the insolvent Kappus Group at Heitersheim (“Hirtler Seifen”) and Riesa (“Kappus Riesa”) through European Soap Holding GmbH, Munich. Kappus, whose origins go back to 1848, is one of the leading European soap manufacturers and produces more than 130 million bars of soap and syndets p.a. With 150 employees at both locations, Kappus achieves sales of around € 40 million.

I-ADVISE advised Ad_Astra on the implementation of this M&A project providing financial due diligence support, preparing the business plan and in structuring of the acquisition in the form of an asset deal.


Current Base Rate, September 2020

Perpetual base rate for valuation dates in September 2020 is 0.01% (not rounded, 3-month averaging, 1 % growth rate). – Non-binding indication as of today –

The base rate has been calculated based on yield curve data (Svensson method) as provided by Deutsche Bundesbank.
Upon your request we can calculate case-specific base rates for you, considering company-specific cash flows, growth rates and varying the period of averaging.

I-ADVISE AG appoints new partner

Düsseldorf, July 2020: I-ADVISE continues its growth in M&A-Advisory and complements its partner team with renowned German public accountant (Wirtschaftsprüfer) and German tax accountant (Steuerberater) Michael Ferdinand.

Michael is an expert for both German and international tax law, in particular in the fields of corporate and real estate taxes, M&A tax and tax structuring. He studied business administration at the University of Cologne specialising in tax laws and corporate finance. He is a German public accountant, certified tax advisor for international tax law (Fachberater für Internationales Steuerrecht) and already during his studies qualified as German tax accountant (Steuerberater). In his professional career he worked at Big4 and midcap accounting and advisory firms before joining I-ADVISE.

„We are happy to have Michael on board. He perfectly contributes to our advisory services strengthening our competencies in German and international tax law.” so Frank Sichau, one of the founding partners of I-ADVISE.

Sixth edition of the study on German valuation practice

Düsseldorf, May 28, 2020: The sixth edition of the study on German valuation practice in squeeze-outs, mergers and other legal measures according to German law has been complemented by reports with valuation dates in 2019 and analyses the development of valuation practice since 2010.
The new I-ADVISE study can serve as a reference point for the most important parameters of valuations and offers an overview of solutions to a multitude of valuation questions by valuation professionals. “Surprisingly the DCF WACC approach has been applied in two cases, after a long period of total domination of the discounted earnings approach. We also noticed lower growth rates in valuations”, explains Dr. Jochen Beumer, Head of Valuation Services of I-ADVISE AG.
You can download the complete study here. The German version may be downloaded here.

I-ADVISE supports Erich Utsch AG in business combination with Hills Numberplates Ltd

March 2020: I-ADVISE AG advised Erich Utsch AG, Siegen, in taking over shares in UK-based Hills Numberplates Ltd (“Hills”).

In the context of combining businesses, Erich Utsch AG together with two former shareholders assumed all shares in Hills. Hills is UK market leader in the supply of legal number plates and licence plate components. Its subsidiary FaabFabricauto is French market leader. Hills group has circa 300 employees and generates a turnover of more than € 50 million.

Subsequent to the business combination, Erich Utsch AG and Hills group are the world’s largest group in the license plate segment with a combined workforce of more than 1,000 employees servicing customers in more than 130 countries.

I-ADVISE assisted Erich Utsch AG in the execution of the financial due diligence of Hills and its French subsidiaries.

Erich Utsch AG is the global leader in the production of vehicle license plates as well as related technology and system solutions.

I-ADVISE is an accounting and advisory firm specialised in transaction and valuation services and is a member of an international alliance of independent advisory firms.

I-ADVISE AG sponsors the ProTalent scholarship program of the WWU Münster

Düsseldorf, 21.1.2020: As part of the scholarship program ProTalent, I-ADVISE AG awards sponsorships to students at the Chair of International Accounting (IUR) at the Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU).

ProTalent is a scholarship program of WWU based on the German national scholarship program introduced by German government in 2011. The scholarship program of WWU is designed to support excellent students and to support education of young professionals. Frequent and regular contact and exchange of students with sponsors facilitate access to professional work experience.

Thanks to an improved financial independence sponsored students can focus on their studies and much better develop skills based on their talents.

Frank Berg, Partner of I-ADVISE AG, enthusiastically explains the commitment to the ProTalent scholarship program: „Sponsoring excellent performance and capabilities not only expresses our appreciation for talented and motivated students. We as a firm rate our role as sponsor as an excellent means to enter into exchange and discussion with tomorrow’s high performers. As a professional services firm we highly value quality and excellence not only in our work but also on the part of our employees. Participating in the scholarship program thus represents a consequent investment in the future success of our firm.“